“The role of mitochondria in lifestyle and metabolic syndrome – MITOEAGLE perspectives” Date: MiP2017 Conference November 15-17, 2017 MITOEAGLE MC and Working Group Meeting November 16-18,...[more]
This EMBO|FEBS lecture course will deal with a number of research areas that have a great impact on the understanding of mitochondrial biology general. It will be organized in six sessions that...[more]
With great sadness we have to inform you that Prof Axel Brennicke, Director of the Institut for Molecular Botanic at Ulm University, passed away on Sunday February 26 evening. He was a passionate...[more]
Les mitochondries se sont glissées dans les pages du premier Carnets de Science, la nouvelle revue du CNRS. Une infection plutôt qu'une ingestion à l'origine des mitochondries, dans son article...[more]
Professeur honoraire à l’Université de Strasbourg, ancien vice-président recherche de cette Université, membre de l’EMBO, il fut le premier directeur de l’Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes...[more]
Wednesday, October 5 , Salle des Thèses, Nouveau patio Invited speakers: R.N. Lightowlers (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United-Kingdom)Towards treatment for mitochondrial disease Z....[more]
Karnkowska et al. overturn the paradigm that eukaryotes must have mitochondria.Their genomic investigation of the anaerobic microbial eukaryote Monocercomonoides sp. reveals a complete lack of...[more]
Dear student, You are currently finishing, or already have, a Bachelor’s degree in Biological...