Mitochondrial ncRNA targeting induces cell cycle arrest and tumor growth inhibition of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through reduction of key cell cycle progression factors. doi:...[more]
New mRNA binding proteins provide new ways to regulate gene expression[more]
Cryo-EM 101: approaches and applications to mitochondrial complexes[more]
Mitochondrial machineries for import and assembly of proteins by N. Pfanner from the Center for Biological Signalling StudiesInstitute of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of Freiburg,...[more]
Title : Molecular dynamic of the methionyl tRNA synthetase and its novel non-canonical functions in yeast S. cerevisiae Jury RapporteursPr. Michael IBBA, Ohio State University, USAPr....[more]
Title: Unraveling the genetic architecture of trait in natural yeast populations Jury RapporteursPr. ROCKMAN MatthewPr. LANDRY Christian ExaminateursPr. DUJON BernardDr. BLANDIN...[more]
Translational control of bacterial adaptation and evolution of antibiotic resistance[more]
more information here[more]
The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be...