This meeting of the ITI IRMIA++ Interdisciplinary Seminar will focus on interactions with biology. Three speakers from ITI IMCBio+ (Integrative Molecular & Cellular Biology) will present. Ivan Tarassov, director, will give a a brief a presentation of the themes covered by the ITI IMCBio+, followed by two short research talks by Joseph Schacherer and Nacho Molina.
Titles of the seminars
"What is the ITI IMCBio+" (Ivan Tarassov)
"Species-wide quantitative transcriptomes and proteomes reveal distinct genetic control of gene expression variation in yeast" (Joseph Schacherer)
"Modeling Gene Regulation Using Biophysics-Informed Deep Learning on Single-Cell Multi-Omics Data" (Nacho Molina)
The seminar will be also broadcasted via BBB
The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be...