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2013 MitoCross Summer School for PhD students

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A summer school dedicated to “Mitochondria in health, disease, and death of the cell” will take place in Strasbourg the 13th and 14th of June 2013, at the Collège Doctoral Européen.

 This summer school is proposed under the joined tutelage of the “Ecole Doctoral des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé” and of the Strasbourg University; and is organized by Team members of the MitoCross consortium. This consortium is one of the prizewinners of the second wave of the call for projects labeled “Laboratory of Excellence” (LabEx). It is composed of six laboratories based in Strasbourg-Esplanade and working on various aspects of mitochondrial research, encompassing different models (yeast, plants, human) and different approaches (structural, biophysical, biochemical, functional and biomedical) (http://mitocross.unistra.fr/).    The program of the two days of education will contain conferences from researches from the MitoCross consortium on different aspects around structural and functional features of molecules from mitochondria, but also cross-talk and communication with other cellular compartments, and possible connections with disorders, including human pathologies. Two plenary lectures will be given by renowned invited speakers: André Schneider (University of Bern) on “Trypanosoma brucei: a model to study mitochondrial biogenesis” and Anne Lombès (UPMC, Paris) on “Unsolved issues related to human mitochondrial diseases”. Round-tables and open discussions will offer the possibility for everyone to converse with all speakers.

Access to the program, here.

This summer school is accessible to PhD students from Strasbourg University and is opened to a limited number of PhD students from other Universities. Students from Strasbourg University can now register at the ED414 (Ecole Doctorale SDV) site:  

Announce: http://www-ed-sdvs.u-strasbg.fr/Documents/ue_s/10-04-2013_ues_ete

Inscription (via extranet de l'ED 414): http://www-ed-sdvs.u-strasbg.fr/Francais/sgcd/identification/index.php

Students from other Universities who wish to be selected are invited to send a motivation letter and CV at contact-mitocross@unistra.fr. Deadline for application is April, 30th 2013. Participation of the selected candidates (travel and accommodation) will be covered by MitoCross.

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