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The research cluster MitoCross Junior Chair program

Apr 24 2024

The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be based at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP, UPR 2357).

The research cluster MitoCross is a consortium of 7 Strasbourg teams working on various aspects of the functioning and dysfunction of mitochondria, using several fungal, plant and animal models. These studies apply a wide spectrum of techniques including structural biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics and genomics. Created in 2012, MitoCross has since 2021 become an integral part of the Interdisciplinary Institute IMCBio+ and its University Graduate School (EUR) in integrative molecular and cellular biology of the University of Strasbourg.

This call for applications is open to young researchers, from any field of research relating to plant mitochondria or chloroplasts, and having the capacity to lead a research team at the highest scientific level. Proposals relating to the scientific priorities of the MitoCross consortium will be preferentially considered, as well as those from candidates bringing new skills and/or developing new photosynthetic organisms' models.

Researchers applying for permanent positions (CNRS / researcher or lecturer-researcher at the University of Strasbourg) during the recruitment campaigns of 2024 are eligible for this funding program. Applicants are also invited to submit funding requests to other national and international calls (ERC, ANR JCJC, ATIP-Avenir, CPJ etc.), compatible and cumulative with these research chairs.


These chairs are funded for a period of up to four years, with possible extension within the limit of the aid allocated.


The aid allocated to each chair is 400 k€. The amount of funding may include the salary of the chair holder and expenses related to the installation and operation of a research team (salary of a post-doctoral fellow or of a technician, purchase of small equipment, etc.), as well as operational costs.


Expressions of interest including a curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum) and a brief description of the scientific program (5 pages maximum) should be sent to Philippe Giegé: philippe.giege@ibmp-cnrs.unistra.fr and to Ivan Tarassov: i.tarassov@unistra.fr before August 30, 2024

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Apr 24 2024

The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be...

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May 5, 2025
From 08:00 until 17:00
IBMP, Strasbourg, France