You are a second year bachelor student? You want to pursue a Master’s degree in Life Sciences? You want to discover an enthusiastic scientific environment in the heart of the Alsatian capital? So...[more]
MitoTALENS to explore mitochondrial DNA repair and segregation Leon Hirth conference room - 13h30 Soutenance de thèse de Rokas KUBILINSKAS Dr GUALBERTO José Directeur de thèse Dr MIREAU Hakim...[more]
This meeting of the ITI IRMIA++ Interdisciplinary Seminar will focus on interactions with biology. Three speakers from ITI IMCBio+ (Integrative Molecular & Cellular Biology) will present. Ivan...[more]
Prof. Dr. Wolfram S. KUNZ from University of Bonn (Germany) will give a seminar on October 27 at 11 am in the Seminar room of IPCB: "Removal of oxidative lesions in mtDNA" In work with the...[more]
Dr. Hakim Mireau (UMR 1318, Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE Centre de Versailles) will give a seminar on October 27 at 9 :15 am at IBMP on the topic"The multifarious roles of PPR proteins in plant...[more]
Thesis defense of Natalya NIKITCHINA Mise au point d'un système CRISPR-Cas12a ciblant l'ADN mitochondrial human / Development of a CRISPR-Cas12a system targeting human mitochondrial DNA will take...[more]
Open MITO Team seminar on Tuesday, July 4th at 10 am CETin GMGM seminar room 327 (IPCB, 3rd floor)or by Zoom ID de réunion : 988 5280 3917Code secret : X6ugne Samarjit (Sam) Das is an Assistant...[more]
The first edition of the IMCBio Summer School will take place this year from June 28-30, 2023. The aim of this Summer School is to get talented Bachelor students in their 2nd year to know the IMCBio...[more]
The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be...